Configuration in the AnyCAGateway REST Portal
Once the AnyCAGateway REST has been installed and the AnyCAPlugin implemented, you must configure the implementation in the AnyCAGateway REST portal by adding the CA A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues digital certificates. Within Keyfactor Command, a CA may be a Microsoft CA or a Keyfactor gateway to a cloud-based or remote CA.(s), creating certificate profiles, adding claims, and mapping profiles to products.
Working with the AnyCAGateway REST Portal
The AnyCAGateway REST portal helps you manage your gateway with the following functions:
Certificate Authorities—Manage AnyCAGateway REST CAs, including scanning, template
A certificate template defines the policies and rules that a CA uses when a request for a certificate is received. mapping, and third party CA login.
Certificate Profiles—Define the name and key types for the profile which will map on the CA to the product IDs of your third-party CA. Together these will be imported as templates into Keyfactor Command.
Claims—Define the certificates or OAuth claims which authenticate users to the AnyCAGateway REST and what permissions are associated with them.
Access the AnyCAGateway REST portal by entering the FQDN and port (see -Server Port) of your gateway, as per your installation parameters. For instance:
For client certificate authentication, a certificate is selected upon login to the portal. You must have the certificate to the claim you wish to login to the portal with (see Claims). For OAuth authentication, the user will be directed to the appropriate authentication login page and then redirected to the AnyCAGateway REST portal.
You only need to specify the identity provider for identity providers that have not been configured as the default identity provider during install via the AnyCAGatewayInstall.ps1 script parameter A parameter or argument is a value that is passed into a function in an application. DefaultIdentityProviderAuthScheme. It can also be updated in the Appsettings.json File post-installation.
The portal opens to the Certificate Authorities page which shows a grid of the list of CAs configured through the gateway. The browser tab name will show AnyCA Gateway as a shortened name of the AnyCAGateway REST.
Figure 755: AnyCAGateway REST Portal

Figure 756: Tool Tip