Unattended Installation
It is possible to run the installation of the AnyCAGateway DCOM from a remote server using PowerShell exclusively.
To do this, on the target server where you wish to install the gateway:
- Place the installation file (AnyGateway
The Keyfactor AnyGateway is a generic third party CA gateway framework that allows existing CA gateways and custom CA connections to share the same overall product framework.-24.4.1.msi) on the target server.
Enable PowerShell remoting on the target server using the PowerShell command:
Enable-PSRemoting -
Specify how you will provide credentials to the target server with the PowerShell command:
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role "Server"
On the remote server:
Specify how you will provide credentials to the remote server with the PowerShell command:
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role "Client" -DelegateComputer <FQDN of target server>. -
Open the PowerShell session on the target with the command:
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <FQDN of target server> -Credential Get-Credential - Authentication CredsspEnter Administrator account credentials (or an account with all the necessary privileges on the target machine). The command-line prompt should show the name of the target server.
Locate the installation file (AnyGateway-24.4.1.msi) on the target machine and execute it with the command:
msiexec --% -1 "AnyGateway-24.4.1.msi" -qn INSTALLFOLDER="C:\Program Files\Keyfactor\Keyfactor AnyGateway\".Note: A PowerShell variable can be used to modify the gateway configuration directly from the PowerShell the command line. For example:$config = Get-KeyfactorGatewayConfig -CAHostname $FQDN -LogicalName $LogicalName
Set-KeyfactorGatewayConfig -CAHostname $FQDN -LogicalName $LogicalName -Config $config - Follow the instructions for either an upgrade or a new install: Gateway Configuration Steps or Upgrading from AnyCAGateway DCOM Version 20.x or Later.