Overview of the Database Management Console

The AnyCAGateway DCOM Database Management Console (DatabaseManagementConsole.exe) is a text-based, command line application for managing all database tasks related to the AnyCAGateway DCOM database, along with other database maintenance activities.

The Database Management Console (DatabaseManagementConsole.exe) can receive parameterClosed A parameter or argument is a value that is passed into a function in an application. input in three possible ways:

The function operation (create, populate, upgrade, or migrate) must be provided as a command line argumentClosed A parameter or argument is a value that is passed into a function in an application.. The parameters to the function can come for any or all of these sources. If the same parameter exists in more than one source (command line, JSON file, or environment variable), the order of priority is command line > JSON file > environment variables, meaning the parameters provided at the command line take precedence over those of the same names provided in the JSON file, which takes precedence over those of the same names set in the environment variables. When the command is run, the parameters from all three sources are combined and the rules of precedence are used to remove duplicates. Anything remaining, from whatever source, is used for the command, so if you specify a command-line value for one parameter but happen to have an environment variable set for another parameter, both parameters will be used in the command.

Database Management Console Functions and Parameters

Major functions of the Database Management Console are shown in Table 921: .Database Management Console Functions. Parameters to the functions are shown in Table 922: Database Management Console Parameters.

Table 921: .Database Management Console Functions

Function Purpose Link
Create Create a new database. Create the Database
Populate Populate an existing, empty database.  
Upgrade Upgrade an existing database from a previous version of the AnyCAGateway DCOM. Upgrading from AnyCAGateway DCOM Version 20.x or Later
Migrate Migrate an exiting ESENT database to a new, empty AnyCAGateway DCOM SQL database.  
Help, --help Display information on a specific command.  
Version, --version Display version information.  

Table 922: Database Management Console Parameters

Command-Line Parameter JSON Config­uration Parameter Supported Functions Description
-s, --server server Create, Populate, Upgrade

The FQDN of the machine hosting SQL server. This parameter is required for create, populate, and upgrade tasks. For example:

sqlsrvr .keyexample .com
-d, --database database Create, Populate, Upgrade

The name of the database to be created, populated, or upgraded. This parameter is required for create, populate, and upgrade tasks. For example:

CA Gateway
-u, --username username Create, Populate, Upgrade

The username of the SQL server account to be used for creating, populating, or upgrading the database. This parameter does not apply if Windows integrated authentication is used. The SQL account must exist before the command is executed (unlike the service-user parameter). This parameter is optional. For example:

john_ smith
-p, --password password Create, Populate, Upgrade The password of the SQL server account to be used for creating, populating, or upgrading the database. This parameter does not apply if Windows integrated authentication is used. This parameter is optional.
--dacpac- path dacpac path Create, Populate

The path and filename of the DACPAC to override the default location of DACPAC. Defaults to the install directory. This parameter is optional. For example:

C:\\MyFiles \\Custom .dacpac


C:\MyFiles \Custom .dacpac

Note:  When provided in the JSON configuration file, the backslashes in this value must be escaped (e.g. C:\\MyFiles \\Custom.dacpac). When used from the command-line or configured as an environment variable, the backslashes in this value should not be escaped (e.g. C:\MyFiles \Custom.dacpac).
--logging- path logging path Create, Populate, Upgrade, Migrate

The path and filename of an NLog configuration file that applies specifically to database create, populate, upgrade and migrate logging and overrides the default location of the NLog config file. Defaults to the NLog.config in the install directory. This configuration does not apply to future logging by the gateway once database create, populate, upgrade, or migrate tasks are complete. This parameter is optional. For example:

C:\\MyFiles \\NLog .config


C:\MyFiles \NLog .config

Note:  When provided in the JSON configuration file, the backslashes in this value must be escaped (e.g. C:\\MyFiles \\NLog.config). When used from the command-line or configured as an environment variable, the backslashes in this value should not be escaped (e.g. C:\MyFiles \NLog.config).
--service- default service default Create, Populate A Boolean that specifies whether the gateway service database permissions should be granted to the default NETWORK SERVICE account (true). The default is true unless the username or service-user parameter is specified. This is primarily used when SQL authentication is used to create the database (the username and password parameters), but you want to revert to using NETWORK SERVICE to operate the gateway rather than the SQL account specified to create the database. This parameter is optional.
--service- user service username Create, Populate

The username of the Active Directory or SQL account to grant read/write permissions to, for use by the gateway service. If not specified, permission will be granted to either the account specified by the username flag or to the NETWORK SERVICE account. If you specify a SQL account, it will be created in SQL if it does not already exist. Active Directory users must have a pre-existing login in SQL. This parameter is optional. For example:

KEYEXAMPLE \svc_gateway



--service- password service password Create, Populate The password of the Active Directory or SQL account to be used by the gateway service. This parameter is optional.
--script- path script path Upgrade

The path to a directory containing the gateway upgrade scripts that overrides the default location of database upgrade scripts. Defaults to the install directory. This parameter is optional. For example:

C:\\MyFiles \\Upgrade Scripts


C:\MyFiles \Upgrade Scripts

Note:  When provided in the JSON configuration file, the backslashes in this value must be escaped (e.g. C:\\MyFiles \\UpgradeScripts). When used from the command-line or configured as an environment variable, the backslashes in this value should not be escaped (e.g. C:\MyFiles \UpgradeScripts).
--esent- path esent path Migrate

The path to a directory containing the ESENT database that overrides the default location of the ESENT database. Defaults to C:\ProgramData\CertSvcProxy\TemplateDB. This parameter is optional. For example:

C:\\MyFiles \\Template DB


C:\MyFiles \Template DB

Note:  When provided in the JSON configuration file, the backslashes in this value must be escaped (e.g. C:\\MyFiles \\TemplateDB). When used from the command-line or configured as an environment variable, the backslashes in this value should not be escaped (e.g. C:\MyFiles \TemplateDB).
--logical- name logical name Migrate

The logical name of the CA that is being upgraded. This parameter is required for migration tasks. For example:

CA Gateway