Customize the Management Portal Banner Logo

You can replace the Keyfactor logo at the top left of the Management Portal with your logo, or any .png image, to customize the appearance for your users. The new image will be displayed across the product for every user accessing the Management Portal. This cannot be selectively applied.

Note:  The image must be a .png format. Using any other format will cause an error.
Tip:  The default Keyfactor logo size is 144 x 47 pixels. If you choose a different sized image, the spacing on the browser screens will change.
Windows Installations Under IIS

To replace the Keyfactor logo:

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the \WebConsole\wwwroot\images directory under the directory in which Keyfactor Command is installed. By default, this is:

    C:\Program Files\Keyfactor\Keyfactor Platform\WebConsole\wwwroot\images
  2. Rename the Keyfactor Banner.png file to Banner-original.png (or any unique name of your choosing).
  3. Copy the desired .png image to the folder above.
  4. Rename it Banner.png.
  5. Return to the Management Portal and refresh your browser (CTRL+F5 or F12) to display the changes.
Container Installations Under Kubernetes

To replace the Keyfactor logo:

  1. Copy your new logo file to your Kubernetes server and name it Banner.png.
  2. On your Kubernetes server, create a config map containing your new logo. For example:

    sudo kubectl create configmap banner-config-map --namespace keyfactor-command --from-file=/opt/kyf_command/Banner.png
  3. Edit your values file to add a volume and volumeMount for the config map of the Banner.png. For example, the following values file section shows the example root trusts volume (see Install Keyfactor Command in Containers Under Kubernetes) and the custom logo volume.

      - name: root-cas
          name: ca-roots
            - key: ca-certificates.crt
              path: ca-certificates.crt
      - name: banner-image-volume
          name: banner-config-map
      - name: root-cas
        mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
        subPath: ca-certificates.crt
      - name: banner-image-volume
        mountPath: /app/wwwroot/images/Banner.png
        subPath: Banner.png
  4. Load the new values, referencing the deployment name, namespace, your customized values file, the helm chart, and version. For example:

    sudo helm upgrade Helm_Deployment_Name --namespace keyfactor-command --values values-local.yaml oci:// --version 1.0.0