Installing Keyfactor Command Servers
The Keyfactor Command solution by Keyfactor allows you to issue and manage certificates across enterprise infrastructures to allow you to achieve end-to-end visibility, control, and automation across all your machine identities so you can turn the impossible into the possible. It includes a web-based Management Portal running on a SQL backend providing the command and control center for managing certificates in the enterprise.
Keyfactor Command provides:
Identify risks and prevent outages more effectively with a complete and continuous inventory of all your cryptographic assets.
Have ultimate flexibility to make all certificates trusted, compliant, and up-to-date—and keep them that way.
Replace manual, error-prone tasks with automated key and certificate discovery, management, and renewal.
Move from DevOps to DevSecOps by orchestrating and expanding cryptography to secure software delivery pipelines.
In addition to the Management Portal, Keyfactor also offers:
Several agents and orchestrators for managing certificates in certificates stores via the Management Portal (see Installing Orchestrators).
Several certificate authority
A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues digital certificates. Within Keyfactor Command, a CA may be a Microsoft CA or a Keyfactor gateway to a cloud-based or remote CA. gateways to support management of and enrollment
Certificate enrollment refers to the process by which a user requests a digital certificate. The user must submit the request to a certificate authority (CA). for certificates from remote and cloud-based certificate providers via the Management Portal.
The Keyfactor API
An API is a set of functions to allow creation of applications. Keyfactor offers the Keyfactor API, which allows third-party software to integrate with the advanced certificate enrollment and management features of Keyfactor Command. that integrates with the product to provide for customization (see Keyfactor API Reference).
A certificate authority policy module with several policy handlers to provide policy control at the Microsoft CA
A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues digital certificates. Within Keyfactor Command, a CA may be a Microsoft CA or a Keyfactor gateway to a cloud-based or remote CA. level (see Keyfactor CA Policy Module).
The SSH (secure shell) protocol provides for secure connections between computers. It provides several options for authentication, including public key, and protects the communications with strong encryption. Key Manager that extends beyond certificate management and traditional PKI
A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption. to give security and network teams a simple, centralized solution to discover and manage SSH keys across their server and cloud infrastructure (see SSH).
Uniquely designed for PKI administrators to operate an enterprise PKI, it’s never been easier to issue, revoke, renew, or replace a digital certificate. With exceptionally robust reporting and management capabilities for all the certificates in an IT environment, the PKI administrator has a truly scalable and entirely secure system for operating an enterprise PKI.