GET Orchestrator Jobs Job History

The GET /OrchestratorJobs/JobHistory method is used to retrieve the status of an in progress or completed orchestratorClosed Keyfactor orchestrators perform a variety of functions, including managing certificate stores and SSH key stores. (a.k.a. agent) job for a given job ID. This method returns HTTP 200 OK on a success with details of the requested orchestrator jobs.

Tip:  The following permissions (see Security Roles and Claims) are required to use this feature:


Table 550: GET Orchestrator Jobs Job History Input Parameters

Name In Description
QueryString Query

A string containing a query to limit the results (e.g. field1 -eq value1 AND field2 -gt value2). The default is to return all records. Fields available for querying through the API for the most part match those that appear in the Keyfactor Command Management Portal search dropdowns for the same feature. For querying guidelines, refer to: Job History Search Feature. The query fields supported for this endpoint are:

  • AgentId (The GUID of the orchestrator. Run GET Agents to find the ID.)
  • Agent (ClientMachine)
  • JobId
  • Result (Job result: 4-Failure, 3-Warning, 2-Success, 0-Unknown)
  • Status (Job status: 4-Acknowledged, 3-Completed, 2-InProcess, 1-Waiting, 0-Unknown, 5-CompletedWillRetry)
  • JobType (Management, Inventory, Discovery, SslDiscovery, Reenrollment, Monitoring, Sync, SSHSync)
  • Message
  • OperationStart (DateTime)
  • ScheduleType (Schedule: null (Immediately), I_(Interval), D_(Daily), W_(Weekly),M_( Monthly), O_(Once)
  • TargetPath
PageReturned Query An integer that specifies how many multiples of the returnLimit to skip and offset by before returning results, to enable paging. The default is 1.
ReturnLimit Query An integer that specifies how many results to return per page. The default is 50.
SortField Query A string containing the property by which the results should be sorted. Fields available for sorting through the API for the most part match those that appear as sortable columns in the Keyfactor Command Management Portal. The default sort field is JobHistoryId.
SortAscending Query An integer that sets the sort order on the returned results. A value of 0 sorts results in ascending order while a value of 1 sorts results in descending order. The default is ascending.

Table 551: GET Orchestrator Jobs Job History Response Data

Name Description
JobHistoryId An integer indicating the Keyfactor Command reference ID used to track progress during orchestrator jobs.
AgentMachine A string indicating the name of the server on which the agent or orchestrator is installed. This is not necessarily the actual DNS name of the server; the orchestrator may have been installed using an alternative as a reference name.
JobId A string indicating the Keyfactor Command reference GUID assigned to the job.

The inventory schedule for the most recently run instance of the orchestrator job. ClosedShow schedule details.

JobType A string indicating the job type (e.g. IISInventory).
OperationStart The time, in UTC, at which the orchestrator job started.
OperationEnd The time, in UTC, at which the orchestrator job finished.
Message A string providing the error message for the operation, if any.

A string indicating the result of the orchestrator job. Possible values are:

  • Unknown
  • Success
  • Warning
  • Failure

A string indicating the status of the orchestrator job. Possible values are:

  • Unknown
  • Waiting
  • In Process
  • Completed
  • Acknowledged
  • Completed Will Retry
StorePath A string indicating the path to the certificate store on the target. The format for this path will vary depending on the certificate store type. For example, for a Java keystore, this will be a file path (e.g. /opt/myapp/store.jks), but for an F5 device, this will be a partition name on the device (e.g. Common). See Adding or Modifying a Certificate Store for more information.
ClientMachine A string containing the client machine name. The value for this will vary depending on the certificate store type. Typically, it is the hostname of the machine on which the store is located, but this may vary. See Adding or Modifying a Certificate Store for more information.
Tip:  See the Keyfactor API Reference and Utility which provides a utility through which the Keyfactor APIClosed An API is a set of functions to allow creation of applications. Keyfactor offers the Keyfactor API, which allows third-party software to integrate with the advanced certificate enrollment and management features of Keyfactor Command. endpoints can be called and results returned. It is intended to be used primarily for validation, testing and workflowClosed A workflow is a series of steps necessary to complete a process. In Keyfactor Command, it refers to the workflow builder, which allows you to automate event-driven tasks such as when a certificate is requested, revoked or found in a certificate store. development. It also serves secondarily as documentation for the API. The link to the Keyfactor API Reference and Utility is in the dropdown from the help icon () at the top of the Management Portal page next to the Log Out button.