Key Rotation Alerts
Key rotation alerts are used to send email notifications to SSH The SSH (secure shell) protocol provides for secure connections between computers. It provides several options for authentication, including public key, and protects the communications with strong encryption. key users and/or administrators when a key is nearing the end of the key lifetime. The default key lifetime is 365 days, but this setting is configurable (see Application Settings: SSH Tab). Key rotation alerts apply to both user keys (see My SSH Key Operations) and service account keys (see Service Account Key Operations) generated within Keyfactor Command.
The alerts can be customized to provide detailed information about the keys along with, for example, instructions to users on how to enroll for a replacement key.

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Keyfactor provides two sets of documentation: the On-Premises Documentation Suite and the Managed Services Documentation Suite. Which documentation set is accessed is determined by the Application Settings: On-Prem Documentation setting (see Application Settings: Console Tab).