Security Role Permissions
The Security Role Permissions that are available to be assigned to security roles within Keyfactor Command are documented below. For release 11.0 of Keyfactor Command, a new permission structure has been introduced. Users of Keyfactor Command through the Management Portal will not see much difference between the older model and the newer model, as the changes are largely behind the scenes. Users of Keyfactor Command through the Keyfactor API A set of functions to allow creation of applications. Keyfactor offers the Keyfactor API, which allows third-party software to integrate with the advanced certificate enrollment and management features of Keyfactor Command. will need to understand the new model. Some Keyfactor API endpoints (e.g. v1 Security Roles endpoints) still use the older permission model. Other Keyfactor API endpoints (e.g. v2 Security Roles endpoints) use the newer permission model.
Version Two Permission Model
The version two permission model was introduced in Keyfactor Command 11.0 and is used when setting security permissions in the Management Portal, with v2 Security Roles Keyfactor API endpoints, and with Keyfactor API Permission Set endpoints.
In the new model, permissions are built from access control strings, which are structured to support permission inheritance. Generally speaking, the more you add to an access control string, the less privilege you are granting to a user in that area of the product. For example, the following access control string grants full control to the entire product:
Add a certificates level to this, and now you’ve limited this to full control of just functions related to certificates in the product (which would include enrollment Certificate enrollment refers to the process by which a user requests a digital certificate. The user must submit the request to a certificate authority (CA)., for example):
Add a collections level to this, and now you’ve limited this further to full control of just options that can be found on the Certificates menu item in the Management Portal, including certificates both in collections and found by direct search, certificate import, and certificate collection The certificate search function allows you to query the Keyfactor Command database for certificates from any available source based on any criteria of the certificates and save the results as a collection that will be availble in other places in the Management Portal (e.g. expiration alerts and certain reports). management:
Add a read to this, and now you’ve limited this to just read for items on the Certificates menu:
Add a certificate collection ID to this, and now you’ve locked this down to just read on just the certificates in the certificate collection with ID 5:
When you apply permissions through the Management Portal, these access control strings are applied for you based on the selections you make in the Role Information dialog when assigning permissions to a role (see Security Role Operations). When you apply permissions through the Keyfactor API using a newer endpoint An endpoint is a URL that enables the API to gain access to resources on a server. (e.g. v2 Security Roles endpoints), you need to specify these access control strings.
Access control strings that are shown below with a # refer to a specific granular ID to which permissions should be granted. When used, they must be specified with an integer in place of the #. For example, use:
To refer to the certificate store container with ID 4, not:

Table 28: Agents Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Agents | /agents/ | Users can view and modify agent auto-registration settings, Mac auto-enroll management settings, and orchestrator management and jobs. |
Global |
Agents > Auto-Registration |
/agents/auto_registration/ | Users can view and modify the agent auto-registration settings. |
Global | Agents > Auto-Registration > Modify | /agents/auto_registration/modify/ |
Users can modify the agent auto-registration settings. |
Global | Agents > Auto-Registration > Read | /agents/auto_registration/read/ |
Users can view the agent auto-registration settings; Users must also have Read permissions for Agent Management. |
Global | Agents > Management | /agents/management/ | Users can view and modify orchestrator management and jobs. |
Global | Agents > Management > Modify | /agents/management/modify/ |
Users can access the Management Portal areas and API endpoints to:
Global | Agents > Management > Read | /agents/management/read/ |
Users can access the Management Portal areas and API endpoints to:
Global | Agents > Management > Mac | /agents/management/mac/ | Users can view and modify Mac auto-enroll management settings. |
Global | Agents > Management > Mac > Auto-enrollment | /agents/management/mac/auto-enrollment/ | Users can view and modify Mac auto-enroll management settings. |
Global | Agents > Management > Mac > Auto-enrollment > Management | /agents/management/mac/auto-enrollment/management/ | Users can view and modify Mac auto-enroll management settings. |
Global | Agents > Management > Mac > Auto-enrollment > Management > Modify | /agents/management/mac/auto-enrollment/management/modify/ |
Users can modify the Mac auto-enroll management settings. |
Global | Agents > Management > Mac > Auto-enrollment > Management > Read | /agents/management/mac/auto-enrollment/management/read/ |
Users can view the Mac auto-enroll management settings. |

Table 29: Application Settings Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Application Settings | /application_settings/ | Users can view and modify the application settings. |
Global | Application Settings > Modify | /application_settings/modify/ |
Users can modify the application settings. |
Global | Application Settings > Read | /application_settings/read/ |
Users can view the application settings. |

Table 30: Auditing Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Auditing | /auditing/ | Users can access the Audit Log page in the Management Portal, and will be able to make API requests to obtain data from the audit log (query, etc.). |
Global |
Auditing > Read |
/auditing/read/ |
Users can access the Audit Log page in the Management Portal, and will be able to make API requests to obtain data from the audit log (query, etc.). |

Table 31: Certificate Authorities Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Certificate Authorities | /certificate_authorities/ | Users can view and modify certificate authority records. Users can view, test, and modify revocation monitoring settings. |
Global |
Certificate Authorities > Modify |
/certificate_authorities/modify/ |
Users can modify certificate authority and revocation monitoring settings to:
Global |
Certificate Authorities > Read |
/certificate_authorities/read/ |
Users can view certificate authority records. Users can view revocation monitoring settings, CA health monitoring and threshold alert recipients and schedules. |

Table 32: Certificate Stores Security Role Permissions v2
See Container Permissions, Certificate Operations, Certificate Store Types and Certificate Store Operations for more information.
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Certificate Stores | /certificate_stores/ | Users can view and manage all certificate stores and add certificates to certificate stores, renew/reissue certificates, and remove certificates from certificate stores for all certificate stores. |
Global | Certificate Stores > Modify | /certificate_stores/modify/ |
Users with the Modify role permission for either Certificate Stores or a container (#) can view the certificate stores grid and the containers grid and use the following operations on these pages. The Modify permission must be granted in conjunction with either Certificate Stores Read or container (3) Read for full functionality. Users must have global Certificate Stores Read and Modify permissions to access the discover tab and use the functions on it. Users with Modify permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate store operations (in addition to those available with Read permissions):
Note that this permission does not control additions of certificates to certificate stores. |
Container | Certificate Stores > Modify | /certificate_stores/modify/#/ |
Users with the Modify role permission for either Certificate Stores or a container (#) can view the certificate stores grid and the containers grid and use the following operations on these pages. The Modify permission must be granted in conjunction with either Certificate Stores Read or container (3) Read for full functionality. Users must have global Certificate Stores Read and Modify permissions to access the discover tab and use the functions on it. Users with Modify permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate store operations (in addition to those available with Read permissions):
Note that this permission does not control additions of certificates to certificate stores. |
Global | Certificate Stores > Read | /certificate_stores/read/ |
Users with the Read global role permission for either Certificate Store or a specific container (#) can view the certificate stores grid and the containers grid and see all the certificate stores and store types. They can perform no operations on the certificate stores or containers from the certificate stores page. Users with Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate store operations:
Users with Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these container operations:
Container |
Certificate Stores > Read |
/certificate_stores/read/#/ |
Users with the Read global role permission for either Certificate Stores or a specific container (#) can view the certificate stores grid and the containers grid and see all the certificate stores and store types. They can perform no operations on the certificate stores or containers from the certificate stores page. Users with Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate store operations:
Users with Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these container operations:
Global | Certificate Stores > Schedule | /certificate_stores/schedule/ |
Users with the Schedule and Read role permission for either Certificate Stores or a container (#) can use the Add to Certificate Store, Remove from Certificate Store from the certificate search page, and Schedule from the certificate stores page. Users with Schedule and Read permission may perform this operation on the certificate store or container grid.
Users with Schedule and Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate operations:
. |
Container |
Certificate Stores > Schedule |
/certificate_stores/schedule/#/ |
Users with the Schedule and Read role permission for either Certificate Stores or a container (#) can use the Add to Certificate Store, Remove from Certificate Store from the certificate search page, and Schedule from the certificate stores page. Users with Schedule and Read permission may perform this operation on the certificate store or container grid.
Users with Schedule and Read permissions granted at the container level can perform these certificate operations:

Table 33: Certificate Templates Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Certificate Templates | /certificate_templates/ | Users can view and modify certificate template records. |
Global |
Certificate Templates > Read |
/certificate_templates/read/ |
Users can view certificate template records. |
Global |
Certificate Templates > Modify |
/certificate_templates/modify/ |
Users can modify certificate template settings to import, edit, and configure system settings for certificate templates. |

Table 34: Certificates Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Certificates | /certificates/ | Users can view, modify, and act upon everything certificate-related, including certificates in collections, certificates found in a search that are not in a collection, certificate import, certificate enrollment, and pending certificate request management. |
Global | Certificates > Import | /certificates/import/ |
Users can import certificates using the Management Portal Add Certificate page or the Keyfactor API POST /Certificates/Import method. Users who also have Read permissions for Certificate Store Management or container permissions can add certificates to certificate stores from Add Certificate. Note: This permission was controlled at the global certificate collection level in previous versions of Keyfactor Command, but has moved to a higher level separate from collections.
Global |
Certificates > Requests Manage |
/certificates/requests/manage/ |
Users can use the Pending CSRs page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Global | Certificates > Enrollment | /certificates/enrollment/ | Users can use all the enrollment-related functions, including CSR generation, CSR enrollment, and PFX enrollment. |
Global |
Certificates > Enrollment > Pfx |
/certificates/enrollment/pfx/ |
Users can use the PFX Enrollment page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Global |
Certificates > Enrollment > Csr |
/certificates/enrollment/csr/ |
Users can use the CSR Enrollment page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Global |
Certificates > Enrollment > Csr > Generation |
/certificates/enrollment/csr/generation/ |
Users can use the CSR Generation page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Global | Certificates > Collections | /certificates/collections/ | Users can view, modify, and act upon certificate-related functions including certificates in collections and certificates found in a search that are not in a collection. |
Global | Certificates > Collections > Delete | /certificates/collections/delete/ | Users can delete certificates and, if applicable, the private keys of the certificates from the Keyfactor Command database for any certificates. |
Collection | Certificates > Collections > Delete | /certificates/collections/delete/#/ |
Users can delete certificates and, if applicable, the private keys of the certificates from the Keyfactor Command database for certificates in the specified certificate collection. |
Global |
Certificates > Collections > Metadata Modify |
/certificates/collections/metadata/modify/ | Users can modify certificate metadata for certificates in the Certificate Details dialog (only information on the metadata tab can be edited) and the equivalent API functions for any certificates. |
Collection |
Certificates > Collections > Edit Metadata |
/certificates/collections/metadata/modify/#/ |
Users can modify certificate metadata for certificates in the Certificate Details dialog (only information on the metadata tab can be edited) and the equivalent API functions for certificates in the specified certificate collection. |
Global | Certificates > Collections > Modify | /certificates/collections/modify/ |
Users can add or edit certificate collections. See Certificate Collection Permissions for more information. Note: This permission cannot be applied at the certificate collection level.
Global | Certificates > Collections > Private Key Import | /certificates/collections/private_key/import/ |
Users can save the private key for the certificate in the Keyfactor Command database. Users with this role can add a certificate with an associated private key through the Add Certificate option under the Certificate Locations menu (see Add Certificate) and the private key will be stored in the Keyfactor Command database. Users must also be granted the Import role in order to be able to use the Add Certificate feature. Note: This permission cannot be applied at the certificate collection level.
Global |
Certificates > Collections > Download with Private Key |
/certificates/collections/private_key/read/ | Users can download the certificates with their private key for all certificates. |
Collection |
Certificates > Collections > Private Key Read |
/certificates/collections/private_key/read/#/ | Users can download the certificates with their private key for certificates in the specified certificate collection. |
Global | Certificates > Collections > Read | /certificates/collections/read/ |
Users can view any certificates, including certificate history, and can download certificates. Users who also have Read permissions for Certificate Store Management or certificate store container permissions can add certificates to certificate stores from Certificate Search and Certificate Collections. The certificate operations possibly available to users with this permission are:
Users with global Read role permissions can browse to Certificate Search in the Management Portal and view all saved certificate collections. They can view any certificate in the Keyfactor Command database and are not limited to just those returned by select collections. Users with this permission can view the certificates returned by searches and open the details of the certificates. |
Collection |
Certificates > Collections > Read |
/certificates/collections/read/#/ |
Users can view certificates in the specified certificate collection, including certificate history, and can download certificates. Users who also have Read permissions for Certificate Store Management or certificate store container permissions can add the certificates in the collection to certificate stores from Certificate Search and Certificate Collections. The certificate operations possibly available to users with this permission are:
Users with collection-level Read role permissions on a collection will see the collections to which they have been granted access appear on the Certificate Collections menu (if they have been configured to appear on the menu—see Certificate Collection Manager). The users will be able to view all the certificates in the collections and open the details of the certificates. |
Global | Certificates > Collections > Revoke | /certificates/collections/revoke/ |
Users can revoke any certificates through Keyfactor Command. This includes certificates that have been issued by a Microsoft or EJBCA CA configured for synchronization or by a cloud-based certificate vendor that is managed via a Keyfactor certificate gateway. Important: In order to successfully revoke certificates, the service account under which the Keyfactor Command application pool is running must be granted “Issue and Manage Certificates” and “Manage CA” permissions to the CA database as per Create Groups to Control Access to Keyfactor Command Features, or, if delegation is configured for the CA, the user executing the revoke must have the “Issue and Manage Certificates” permissions while the application pool service account has the “Manage CA” permissions. If you are using explicit credentials to authenticate your CA (see Adding or Modifying a CA Record), it is the user specified on the CA configuration in Keyfactor Command who must have permissions on the CA.
Collection | Certificates > Collections > Revoke | /certificates/collections/revoke/#/ |
Users can revoke certificates in the specified certificate collection through Keyfactor Command. This includes certificates that have been issued by a Microsoft or EJBCA CA configured for synchronization or by a cloud-based certificate vendor that is managed via a Keyfactor certificate gateway. Important: In order to successfully revoke certificates, the service account under which the Keyfactor Command application pool is running must be granted “Issue and Manage Certificates” and “Manage CA” permissions to the CA database as per Create Groups to Control Access to Keyfactor Command Features, or, if delegation is configured for the CA, the user executing the revoke must have the “Issue and Manage Certificates” permissions while the application pool service account has the “Manage CA” permissions. If you are using explicit credentials to authenticate your CA (see Adding or Modifying a CA Record), it is the user specified on the CA configuration in Keyfactor Command who must have permissions on the CA.

Table 35: Dashboard Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Dashboard | /dashboard/ | Users can view the panels, including the risk header, on their personalized dashboard and add and remove the customizable panels. |
Global |
Dashboard > Read |
/dashboard/read/ |
Users can view the panels on their personalized dashboard and add and remove them. |
Global | Dashboard > Risk Header | /dashboard/risk_header/ | Users can view the risk header at the top of the dashboard. |
Global | Dashboard > Risk Header > Read | /dashboard/risk_header/read/ | Users can view the risk header at the top of the dashboard. |

Table 36: Identity Providers Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Identity Providers | /identity_providers/ | Users can view and modify the identity provider settings for identity providers. |
Global | Identity Providers > Modify | /identity_providers/modify/ | Users can modify the identity provider settings for identity providers. |
Global | Identity Providers > Read | /identity_providers/read/ | Users can view the identity provider settings for identity providers. |
Identity Provider | Identity Providers > Modify | /identity_providers/modify/# | Users can modify the identity provider settings for the selected identity provider. |
Identity Provider | Identity Providers > Read | /identity_providers/read/# | Users can view the identity provider settings for the selected identity provider. |

Table 37: Certificate Metadata Types Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Metadata | /metadata/ | Users can view and modify custom metadata attribute definitions. |
Global | Metadata > Types | /metadata/types/ | Users can view and modify custom metadata attribute definitions. |
Global |
Metadata > Types > Read |
/metadata/types/read/ |
Users can view custom metadata attribute definitions on the Certificate Metadata page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Global |
Metadata > Types > Modify |
/metadata/types/modify/ |
Users can add, edit, and delete custom metadata attribute definitions on the Certificate Metadata page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |

Table 38: Monitoring Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Monitoring | /monitoring/ | Users can view, modify, and test the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts and the event handler registration settings. |
Global | Monitoring > Handlers | /monitoring/handlers/ | Users can view and modify the event handler registration settings. |
Global | Monitoring > Handlers > Registration | /monitoring/handlers/registration/ | Users can view and modify the event handler registration settings. |
Global |
Monitoring > Handlers > Registration > Modify |
/monitoring/handlers/registration/modify/ |
Users can modify the event handler registration settings. |
Global |
Monitoring > Handlers > Registration > Read |
/monitoring/handlers/registration/read/ |
Users can view the event handler registration settings. |
Global | Monitoring > Alerts | /monitoring/alerts/ | Users can view, modify, and test the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts. |
Global |
Monitoring > Alerts > Modify |
/monitoring/alerts/modify/ |
Users can modify the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts, including the alert text, recipients, and event handlers. Users can also add new alerts, delete alerts, and configure the pending alert delivery schedule. |
Global |
Monitoring > Alerts > Read |
/monitoring/alerts/read/ |
Users can view the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts. |
Global | Monitoring > Alerts > Test | /monitoring/alerts/test/ |
Users can test the pending certificate request alerts, including sending email to recipients. Users must also have Read permissions for Alerts. |

Table 39: Privileged Access Management Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Pam | /pam/ | Users can view and modify any PAM provider. |
Global | Pam > Modify | /pam/modify/ | Users can add, edit, and delete any PAM provider. |
PAM Provider |
Pam > Modify |
/pam/modify/#/ |
Users can add, edit, and delete the specified PAM provider. |
Global | Pam > Read | /pam/read/ | Users can view any PAM provider. Users can select any PAM providers to provide credentials within Keyfactor Command for:
PAM Provider |
Pam > Read |
/pam/read/#/ |
Users can view or select the specified PAM provider. |

Table 40: Management Portal Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Portal | /portal/ | Users can access the Management Portal. |
Global |
Portal > Read |
/portal/read/ |
Users can access the Management Portal. This permission must be enabled for all roles that will access the Management Portal. |

Table 41: Reports Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Reports | /reports/ | Users can generate, view, and modify the delivery schedule for reports. Users can add, edit, and delete custom reports. |
Global |
Reports > Modify |
/reports/modify/ |
Users can modify the delivery schedule for reports in Report Manager in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions and add, edit, and delete custom reports. Note: Report scheduling is limited by collection permissions. Users in roles that have Reports > Read and Modify permissions will also need to have either global certificate Read permissions or Read collection permissions on individual collections to have the ability to add, edit, and delete schedules associated with collections. The user will not have access to add, edit, and delete schedules for any collections for which they do not have collection Read permissions in addition to Reports permissions if permissions are granted at a collection-by-collection level rather than globally.
Global |
Reports > Read |
/reports/read/ |
Users can generate and view reports. |

Table 42: Scripts Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Scripts | /scripts/ | Users can view and modify scripts used in alert event handlers and workflows. |
Global |
Scripts > Modify |
/scripts/modify/ |
Users can add, edit, and delete scripts used in alert event handlers and workflows. |
Global |
Scripts > Read |
/scripts/read/ |
Users can view scripts used in alert event handlers and workflows. |

Table 43: Security Settings Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Security | /security/ | Users can view and modify the settings for Security Roles and Security Claims. |
Global |
Security > Modify |
/security/modify/ |
Users can modify the settings for Security Roles and Security Claims. |
Global |
Security > Read |
/security/read/ |
Users can view the settings for Security Roles and Security Claims. Users must also have the Read permission for System Settings to access this in the Management Portal. |

Table 44: SSH Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Ssh | /ssh/ | Users can use all SSH functions. |
Global | Ssh > Enterprise Admin | /ssh/enterprise_admin/ | Users can use all SSH functions. |
Global |
Ssh > Server Admin |
/ssh/server_admin/ |
Users can use all SSH functions, except creating server groups and assigning server group owners. Users have limited access to some functions based on server group ownership. |
Global |
Ssh > User |
/ssh/user/ |
Users can generate their own SSH keys. |

Table 45: SSL Management Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Ssl | /ssl/ | Users can view and modify the SSL Discovery settings. |
Global |
Ssl > Modify |
/ssl/modify/ |
Users can modify the SSL Discovery settings:
Global |
Ssl > Read |
/ssl/read/ |
Users can view the SSL Discovery pages in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions, including defined networks and the network ranges configured for them, agent pools, and scan results. Users can use the query tool on the Results tab to find discovered endpoints and then view the discovered endpoints, including the details for the endpoints. |

Table 46: System Settings Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | System Settings | /system_settings/ |
Users can modify the System Settings for:
Global |
System Settings > Modify |
/system_settings/modify/ |
Users can modify the System Settings for:
Global |
System Settings > Read |
/system_settings/read/ |
Users can view the System Settings for:

Table 47: Workflows Security Role Permissions v2
Permission Tab | Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Global | Workflows | /workflows/ | Users can view and modify the configured workflow definitions and view and manage all initiated workflow instances. |
Global | Workflows > Definitions | /workflows/definitions/ | Users can view and modify the configured workflow definitions. |
Global |
Workflows > Definitions > Modify |
/workflows/definitions/modify/ |
Users can modify both the built-in and any custom workflow definitions, including the name and description and the configuration for the steps. Users can also add new workflow definitions, delete workflow definitions, publish workflow definitions, and import and export workflow definitions. |
Global |
Workflows > Definitions > Read |
/workflows/definitions/read/ |
Users can view the configured workflow definitions. |
Global | Workflows > Instances | /workflows/instances/ | Users can view and manage all initiated workflow instances. |
Global | Workflows > Instances > Manage | /workflows/instances/manage/ |
Users can manage initiated workflow instances, including stopping, restarting, and deleting them. |
Global |
Workflows > Instances > Read |
/workflows/instances/read/ |
Users can view all the workflow instances that have been initiated. |
Global | Workflows > Instances > Read > Mine | /workflows/instances/read/mine/ |
Users can view the workflow instances that have been initiated by them (e.g. because they enrolled for a certificate). |
Global |
Workflows > Instances > Read > Pending |
/workflows/instances/read/pending/ |
Users can view the workflow instances that have been initiated and are awaiting input from them. Tip: There is not a security permission at this level that controls whether users can provide input (a signal) to a workflow instance. This is controlled using the security roles configured on the specific workflow definition. Any user who holds one of the roles configured in the workflow step that requires a signal may provide the necessary input. The user does not need to hold the Workflows > Instances > Read > Pending permission in order to provide the input.
Version One Permission Model
The version one permission model was largely replaced in Keyfactor Command version 11.0, but is retained for backwards compatibility for use with select Keyfactor API endpoints.

Table 48: Agent Auto-Registration Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read | AgentAutoRegistration: Read |
Users can view the orchestrator auto-registration settings; users must also have Read permissions for Agent Management to access this page in the Management Portal. |
Modify |
AgentAutoRegistration: Modify |
Users can modify the orchestrator auto-registration settings. |

Table 49: Agent Management Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
AgentManagement: Read |
Users can:
Modify |
AgentManagement: Modify |
Users can:

Table 50: Alerts Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
WorkflowManagement: Read |
Users can view the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts. |
Modify |
WorkflowManagement: Modify |
Users can modify the pending, issued, and denied certificate request alerts, including the alert text, recipients, and event handlers. Users can also add new alerts, delete alerts, and configure the pending alert delivery schedule. |
Test | WorkflowManagement: Test |
Users can test the pending certificate request alerts, including sending email to recipients. Users must also have Read permissions for Alerts. |

Table 51: Application Settings Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
ApplicationSettings: Read |
Users can view the application settings. |
Modify |
ApplicationSettings: Modify |
Users can modify the application settings. |

Table 52: Auditing Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Auditing: Read |
Users can access the Audit Log page in the Management Portal, and will be able to make API requests to obtain data from the audit log (query, etc.). The System Settings dropdown menu will display the Audit Log option to users with the Auditing Read permission. |

Table 53: Certificate Collections Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Modify |
CertificateCollections: Modify |
Users can add or edit Certificate Collections. See Certificate Collection Permissions for more information. |

Table 54: Certificate Enrollment Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Enroll PFX |
CertificateEnrollment: EnrollPFX |
Users can use the PFX Enrollment page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Enroll CSR |
CertificateEnrollment: EnrollCSR |
Users can use the CSR Enrollment page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
CSR Generation |
CertificateEnrollment: CsrGeneration |
Users can use the CSR Generation page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Manage Pending CSRs |
CertificateEnrollment: PendingCsr |
Users can use the Pending CSRs page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |

Table 55: Certificate Metadata Types Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
CertificateMetadataTypes: Read |
Users can read custom metadata attribute definitions on the Certificate Metadata page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |
Modify |
CertificateMetadataTypes: Modify |
Users can add, edit, and delete custom metadata attribute definitions on the Certificate Metadata page in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions. |

Table 56: Certificate Requests Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Manage | WorkflowManagement: Participate |
Users can participate in the pending, issued, and denied alerts by approving or denying certificate requests from the Certificate Requests page, from the individual pages reached from links included in alerts, or using the Keyfactor API /Workflow/Certificates endpoints. Note: In previous versions of Keyfactor Command, this permission was Workflow Management: Participate.

Table 57: Certificate Store Management Security Role Permissions v1
See Container Permissions, Certificate Operations, Certificate Store Types and Certificate Store Operations for more information.
UI Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
CertificateStoreManagement: Read |
Users can view the certificate stores and containers tabs on the Locations > Certificate Stores menu, and view certificate store types. |
Schedule | CertificateStoreManagement: Schedule |
Users can add certificates to certificate stores, renew/reissue certificates, schedule and remove certificates from certificate stores. |
Modify |
CertificateStoreManagement: Modify |
Users can manage all operations regarding certificate stores—including the stores, containers, and discovery process—and certificate store types. |

Table 58: Certificates Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Certificates: Read |
Users can view certificates, including certificate history, and can download certificates. Users who also have Read permissions for Certificate Store Management or certificate store container permissions can add certificates to certificate stores from Certificate Search and Certificate Collections. The certificate operations possibly available to users with this permission are:
This permission can be applied at either the global or certificate collect level (see Certificate Collection Permissions. Users with global Read role permissions can browse to Certificate Search in the Management Portal and view all saved certificate collections. They can view any certificate in the Keyfactor Command database and are not limited to just those returned by select collections. Users with this permission can view the certificates returned by searches and open the details of the certificates. Users with collection-level Read role permissions on a collection will see the collections to which they have been granted access appear on the Certificate Collections menu (if they have been configured to appear on the menu—see Certificate Collection Manager). The users will be able to view all the certificates in the collections and open the details of the certificates. |
Edit Metadata |
Certificates: EditMetadata |
Users can modify certificate metadata for certificates in the Certificate Details dialog (only information on the metadata tab can be edited) and the equivalent API functions. If the users have also been granted global Read permission on Certificates, they can modify the metadata of any certificates within the Keyfactor Command database. If the users have not been granted the global Read permission, they can only modify the certificates found in collections to which they have been granted collection-level Read access. Note: If you plan to edit metadata via the Keyfactor API, the user running the API needs only Edit Metadata permissions. Read permissions are not required.
Import | Certificates: Import |
Users can import certificates using the Management Portal Add Certificate page or the Keyfactor API POST /Certificates/Import method. Users who also have Read permissions for Certificate Store Management or container permissions can add certificates to certificate stores from Add Certificate. Note: This permission cannot be applied at the certificate collection level.
Download with Private Key |
Certificates: Recover |
Users can download the certificates with their private key. |
Revoke | Certificates: Revoke |
Users can revoke certificates through Keyfactor Command. Users with this role can use the revoke certificate operation on any certificates to which they have been granted access. This includes certificates that have been issued by a Microsoft or EJBCA CA configured for synchronization or by a cloud-based certificate vendor that is managed via a Keyfactor certificate gateway. Important: In order to successfully revoke certificates, the service account under which the Keyfactor Command application pool is running must be granted “Issue and Manage Certificates” and “Manage CA” permissions to the CA database as per Create Groups to Control Access to Keyfactor Command Features, or, if delegation is configured for the CA, the user executing the revoke must have the “Issue and Manage Certificates” permissions while the application pool service account has the “Manage CA” permissions. If you are using explicit credentials to authenticate your CA (see Adding or Modifying a CA Record), it is the user specified on the CA configuration in Keyfactor Command who must have permissions on the CA.
Delete | Certificates: Delete | Users can delete certificates and, if applicable, the private keys of the certificates from the Keyfactor Command database. |
Import Private Key |
Certificates: ImportPrivateKey |
Users can save the private key for the certificate in the Keyfactor Command database. Users with this role can add a certificate with an associated private key through the Add Certificate option under the Certificate Locations menu (see Add Certificate) and the private key will be stored in the Keyfactor Command database. Users must also be granted the Import role in order to be able to use the Add Certificate feature. Note: This permission cannot be applied at the certificate collection level.

Table 59: Dashboard Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Dashboard: Read |
Users can view the panels on their personalized dashboard and add and remove them. |
Risk Header | Dashboard: RiskHeader | Users can view the risk header at the top of the dashboard. |

Table 60: Event Handler Registration Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
EventHandlerRegistration: Read |
Users can view the event handler registration settings. |
Modify |
EventHandlerRegistration: Modify |
Users can modify the event handler registration settings. |

Table 61: Identity Providers Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
IdentityProviders: Read |
Users can view the identity provider settings. |
Modify |
IdentityProviders: Modify |
Users can modify the identity provider settings. |

Table 62: Mac Auto-Enroll Management Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
MacAutoEnrollManagement: Read |
Users can view the Mac Auto-Enroll Management settings. |
Modify |
MacAutoEnrollManagement: Modify |
Users can modify the Mac Auto-Enroll Management settings. |

Table 63: Management Portal Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
AdminPortal: Read |
Users can access the Management Portal. This permission must be enabled for all roles that will access the Management Portal. |

Table 64: Monitoring Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Monitoring: Read |
Users can view the expiration alerts in the Certificate Alerts in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions, including the alert schedule. |
Modify |
Monitoring: Modify |
Users can modify the expiration alerts, including the alert text, recipients and event handlers. Users can also add new alerts, delete alerts and configure the expiration alert delivery schedule. |
Test | Monitoring: Test |
Users can test the expiration alerts, including sending email to recipients. Users must also have Read permissions for Monitoring to access this in the Management Portal. |

Table 65: PKI Management Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
PkiManagement: Read |
Users can view PKI management settings within:
Modify |
PkiManagement: Modify |
Users can modify PKI management settings to:

Table 66: Privileged Access Management Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
PrivilegedAccessManagement: Read |
Users can view PAM providers. |
Modify |
PrivilegedAccessManagement: Modify |
Users can add, edit, and delete PAM providers. |

Table 67: Reports Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Reports: Read |
Users can generate and view reports. |
Modify |
Reports: Modify |
Users can modify the delivery schedule for reports in Report Manager in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions and add, edit, and delete custom reports. Note: Report scheduling is limited by collection permissions. Users in roles that have Reports: Read and Modify permissions will also need to have Read collection permissions on individual collections to have the ability to add, edit, and delete schedules associated with collections. The user will not have access to add, edit, and delete schedules for any collections for which they do not have collection Read permissions in addition to Reports permissions.

Table 68: Scripts Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
Scripts: Read |
Users can view scripts. |
Modify |
Scripts: Modify |
Users can add, edit, and delete scripts. |

Table 69: Security Settings Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
SecuritySettings: Read |
Users can view the settings for Security Roles and Security Claims. Users must also have the Read permission for System Settings to access this in the Management Portal. |
Modify |
SecuritySettings: Modify |
Users can modify the settings for Security Roles and Security Claims. |

Table 70: SSH Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
User |
SSH: User |
Users can generate their own SSH keys. |
Server Admin |
SSH: ServerAdmin |
Users can use all SSH functions, except creating server groups and assigning server group owners. Users have limited access to some functions based on server group ownership (see SSH Permissions). |
Enterprise Admin | SSH: EnterpriseAdmin | Users can use all SSH functions (see SSH Permissions). |

Table 71: SSL Management Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
SslManagement: Read |
Users can view the SSL Discovery pages in the Management Portal and the equivalent API functions, including defined networks and the network ranges configured for them, agent pools, and scan results. Users can use the query tool on the Results tab to find discovered endpoints and then view the discovered endpoints, including the details for the endpoints. |
Modify |
SslManagement: Modify |
Users can modify the SSL Discovery settings:

Table 72: System Settings Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
SystemSettings: Read |
Users can view the orchestrator auto-registration settings; users must also have Read permissions for Agent Management to access this in the Management Portal. Users can view the System Settings for:
Modify |
SystemSettings: Modify |
Users can modify the System Settings for:

Table 73: Workflow Definitions Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
Read |
WorkflowDefinitions: Read |
Users can view the configured workflow definitions. |
Modify |
WorkflowDefinitions: Modify |
Users can modify both the built-in and any custom workflow definitions, including the name and description and the configuration for the steps. Users can also add new workflow definitions, delete workflow definitions, publish workflow definitions, and import and export workflow definitions. |

Table 74: Workflow Instances Security Role Permissions v1
Portal Permission | API Permission | Description |
ReadAll |
WorkflowInstances: ReadAll |
Users can view all the workflow instances that have been initiated. |
Read - Assigned To Me |
WorkflowInstances: ReadAssignedToMe |
Users can view the workflow instances that have been initiated and are awaiting input from them. Tip: There is not a security permission at this level that controls whether users can provide input (a signal) to a workflow instance. This is controlled using the security roles configured on the specific workflow definition. Any user who holds one of the roles configured in the workflow step that requires a signal may provide the necessary input. The user does not need to hold the Read - Assigned To Me Workflow Instances permission in order to provide the input.
Read - Started By Me | WorkflowInstances: ReadMy |
Users can view the workflow instances that have been initiated by them (e.g. because they enrolled for a certificate). |
Manage | WorkflowInstances: Manage |
Users can manage initiated workflow instances, including stopping, restarting, and deleting them. |