POST Workflow Instances Instance ID Signals
The POST /Workflow A workflow is a series of steps necessary to complete a process. In the context of Keyfactor Command, it refers to the workflow builder, which allows you automate event-driven tasks when a certificate is requested or revoked./Instances/{instanceId}/Signals method is used to input signals to the workflow instance with the specified GUID. This endpoint
An endpoint is a URL that enables the API to gain access to resources on a server. returns 204 with no content upon success.
Table 834: POST Workflow Instances {instanceid} Signals Input Parameters
Name | In | Description |
instanceId | Path |
Required. A string indicating the Keyfactor Command reference GUID of the workflow instance to which to input a signal. Use the GET /Workflow/Instances method (see GET Workflow Instances) to retrieve a list of all the workflow instances to determine the GUID. |
SignalKey | Body |
Required. A string indicating the key for the signal. This is made up of the unique name for the step within the definition plus the signal type, separated by a period (UniqueName.SignalType). For a Require Approval step, the key input type will be ApprovalStatus, so the full SignalKey will look something like: RequireApproval1.ApprovalStatus
Use the GET /Workflow/Definitions/{definitionid} method (see GET Workflow Definitions Definition ID) to return workflow details including the workflow steps to determine the UniqueName of the step for which you want to input a signal or one of the GET methods for workflow instances (see GET Workflow Instances, GET Workflow Instances AssignedToMe, or GET Workflow Instances My) to return the CurrentStepUniqueName. |
Data | Body |
Required. An object providing the input information for the signal. The key(s) will vary depending on the signal. For example, to approve a Require Approval step called RequireApproval1 with a comment: Copy