Using the Audit Log Search Feature

The search function allows you to query the database for information. The same query structure is used in multiple locations within the Keyfactor Command Management Portal.

When you first open the page, you will see the simple search option. To execute a search, select the field and comparison operators in the dropdowns and type something on which to search in the value field (if applicable). If you select an is null or is not null comparison operator, the value field will be grayed out. Click the Search button to execute the query.

Each query consists of three parts:

The results that match your search criteria will be displayed in the results grid below the search selection options.

Tip:  The Message field in the audit log grid is built from the Acting User, Operation, Category, and Name fields and is not searchable as the Message. Instead, search by Acting User, Operation, Category, and/or Name.

When you select Category in the query field, a fourth dropdown will appear. This Property Field allows you to further refine the search. The options available in this field vary depending on the selection made in the comparison value. Select Any to display all of the results for the selected category search combination. Select a specific value in the property field to display all the audit records that had changes to the selected field.

Example:  To see only changes made to the template default settings for certificate templates, select Category in the query field, is equal to in the comparison operator, Template in the comparison value, Template Defaults in the property field, and click Search.

Figure 368: Audit Log Search Selections for Template Property Field Search