Configure Logging for the Universal Orchestrator
Configure Logging for the Universal Orchestrator
Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator The Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator, one of Keyfactor's suite of orchestrators, is used to interact with Windows servers (a.k.a. IIS certificate stores) and FTP capable devices for certificate management, run SSL discovery and management tasks, and manage synchronization of certificate authorities in remote forests. With the addition of custom extensions, it can run custom jobs to provide certificate management capabilities on a variety of platforms and devices (e.g. F5 devices, NetScaler devices, Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources) and execute tasks outside the standard list of certificate management functions. It runs on either Windows or Linux. provides extensive logging for visibility and troubleshooting. For more information about troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting.
By default, the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Keyfactor orchestrators perform a variety of functions, including managing certificate stores and SSH key stores. places its log files in the logs directory under the installed directory, generates logs at the INFO logging level and stores logs for two days before deleting them. If you wish to change these defaults, follow the directions below for your installation type.

- On the Windows server where you wish to adjust logging, open a text editor (e.g. Notepad) using the “Run as administrator” option.
In the text editor, browse to open the Nlog.config file for the Universal Orchestrator. The file is located in the configuration directory within the install directory, which is the following directory by default:
C:\Program Files\Keyfactor\Keyfactor Orchestrator\configuration -
Your Nlog.config file may have a slightly different layout than shown here, but it will contain the five fields highlighted in Figure 532: Universal Orchestrator on Windows NLog.config File. The fields you may wish to edit are:
variable name="logDirectory" value="logs/"
The path to the log file location.
Important: If you choose to change the path for storage of the log files, you will need to create the new directory (e.g. D:\KeyfactorLogs) and grant the Universal Orchestrator service account under which the Keyfactor Orchestrator Service is running full control permissions on this directory. -
The path and file name of previous days' orchestrator log files, referencing the logDirectory variable. The orchestrator rotates log files daily and names the previous files using this naming convention.
The number of archive files to retain before deletion.
name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile"
The level of log detail that should be generated and output to the log file. The default INFO level logs error and some informational data but at a minimal level to avoid generating large log files. For troubleshooting, it may be desirable to set the logging level to DEBUG or TRACE. Available log levels (in order of increasing verbosity) are:
OFF—No logging
FATAL—Log severe errors that cause early termination
ERROR—Log severe errors and other runtime errors or unexpected conditions that may not cause early termination
WARN—Log errors and use of deprecated APIs, poor use of APIs, “almost” errors, and other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected but not necessarily “wrong”
INFO—Log all of the above plus runtime events (startup/shutdown)
DEBUG—Log all of the above plus detailed information on the flow through the system
TRACE—Maximum log information—this option can generate VERY large log files
The path and file name of the active orchestrator log file, referencing the logDirectory variable.

- On the orchestrator machine where you wish to adjust logging, open a command shell and change to the directory in which the orchestrator is installed. By default this is /opt/keyfactor/orchestrator.
- In the command shell in the directory in which the orchestrator is installed, change to the configuration directory.
Using a text editor, open the nlog.config file in the configuration directory. Your nlog.config file may have a slightly different layout than shown here, but it will contain the five fields highlighted in the below figure. The fields you may wish to edit are:
variable name="logDirectory" value="logs/"
The path to the log file location.
Important: If you choose to change the path for storage of the log files, you will need to create the new directory (e.g. /opt/kyflogs) and grant the Universal Orchestrator service account under which the keyfactororchestrator-default service is running full control permissions on this directory. -
The path and file name of previous days' orchestrator log files, referencing the logDirectory variable. The orchestrator rotates log files daily and names the previous files using this naming convention.
The number of archive files to retain before deletion.
name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile"
The level of log detail that should be generated and output to the log file. The default INFO level logs error and some informational data but at a minimal level to avoid generating large log files. For troubleshooting, it may be desirable to set the logging level to DEBUG or TRACE. Available log levels (in order of increasing verbosity) are:
OFF—No logging
FATAL—Log severe errors that cause early termination
ERROR—Log severe errors and other runtime errors or unexpected conditions that may not cause early termination
WARN—Log errors and use of deprecated APIs, poor use of APIs, “almost” errors, and other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected but not necessarily “wrong”
INFO—Log all of the above plus runtime events (startup/shutdown)
DEBUG—Log all of the above plus detailed information on the flow through the system
TRACE—Maximum log information—this option can generate VERY large log files
The path and file name of the active orchestrator log file, referencing the logDirectory variable.
Figure 533: Universal Orchestrator on Linux NLog.config File