Approving or Disapproving Orchestrators

When orchestrators first appear in Keyfactor Command, they have a status of New. The orchestratorClosed cannot perform any jobs while it has this status. To approve an orchestrator, highlight the row in the orchestrator management grid and click Approve at the top of the grid or right-click the orchestrator in the grid and choose Approve from the right-click menu. Once you have approved a Keyfactor Universal OrchestratorClosed, Windows OrchestratorClosed or Java AgentClosed, you can schedule jobs for the orchestrator. Once you have approved an SSHClosed Orchestrator, you can configure server groups and servers for that orchestrator and begin scanning servers. Once you have approved a Mac enroll agent, users can enroll for certificates from that Mac. Some orchestrators may be configured for auto-approval via auto-registration (see Orchestrator Auto-Registration).

To disapprove an orchestrator, highlight the row in the orchestrator management grid and click Disapprove at the top of the grid or right-click the orchestrator in the grid and choose Disapprove from the right-click menu. When an orchestrator is disapproved, operations with Keyfactor Command can no longer be carried out by this orchestrator.