Configure the Targets for IIS Management
Configure the Targets for IIS Management
This step only needs to be completed if you plan to use the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator The Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator, one of Keyfactor's suite of orchestrators, is used to interact with Windows servers (a.k.a. IIS certificate stores) and FTP capable devices for certificate management, run SSL discovery and management tasks, and manage synchronization of certificate authorities in remote forests. With the addition of custom extensions, it can run custom jobs to provide certificate management capabilities on a variety of platforms and devices (e.g. F5 devices, NetScaler devices, Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources) and execute tasks outside the standard list of certificate management functions. It runs on either Windows or Linux. to manage Windows machine store certificates (IIS Certificate Store Inventory Reporting and IIS Certificate Store Management).

On each target machine where you wish to manage the machine certificate store with the Universal Orchestrator Keyfactor orchestrators perform a variety of functions, including managing certificate stores and SSH key stores., you need to grant the Active Directory service account under which the orchestrator is running sufficient permissions to read the local machine certificate store and, if you plan to deploy certificates to it using Keyfactor Command, write to it. This can be accomplished by adding the Universal Orchestrator service account to the local administrators group on each target machine.

The orchestrator uses PowerShell remoting to deliver certificates in PFX A PFX file (personal information exchange format), also known as a PKCS#12 archive, is a single, password-protected certificate archive that contains both the public and matching private key and, optionally, the certificate chain. It is a common format for Windows servers. format to targets and bind certificates to IIS web sites. This includes certificates delivered directly from the PFX enrollment
Certificate enrollment refers to the process by which a user requests a digital certificate. The user must submit the request to a certificate authority (CA). option of the Keyfactor Command Management Portal or Keyfactor API
A set of functions to allow creation of applications. Keyfactor offers the Keyfactor API, which allows third-party software to integrate with the advanced certificate enrollment and management features of Keyfactor Command. to targets. If you wish to use any of these features, you will need to make sure that each target machine on which you want to use one of these features is running at least PowerShell version 3 and that PowerShell remoting has been enabled. To check the PowerShell version on a given machine, open a PowerShell window, run the following command, and check the output CLRVersion:
PowerShell version 3 is available for download from Microsoft.
To enable PowerShell remoting:
- On the target machine, open a PowerShell window using the "Run as administrator" option.
- On the target machine, run the following command to enable PowerShell remoting:Enable-PSRemoting
Respond Yes to all the question prompts (or "A" for all).
- On the target machine it may be necessary to run the following command to enable execution of unsigned local PowerShell scripts for some operating systems (e.g. Windows Server 2008 R2):Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- To test the PowerShell remoting, on the Universal Orchestrator server, open a PowerShell window and run the following command (where TARGET_MACHINE is the FQDN of the target machine you wish to manage with the orchestrator):
Enter-PSSession –ComputerName TARGET_MACHINE
Use the actual hostname
The unique identifier that serves as name of a computer. It is sometimes presented as a fully qualified domain name (e.g. and sometimes just as a short name (e.g. servername). of the target machine rather than a DNS
The Domain Name System is a service that translates names into IP addresses. alias (either "A" or CNAME records) when running this test. This is necessary because PowerShell remoting relies on Kerberos authentication, which requires that the target machine has a service principal name (SPN) in the HTTP/ format assigned to the target’s machine account. This will be present by default (as part of the HOST/ format record) as long as the HTTP/ format SPN has not been manually assigned elsewhere. Using an alias gets into complexities of setting up appropriate SPNs and assuring that there are not duplicate SPNs in the environment.
You should be connected to the target machine and be able to execute PowerShell commands on the target machine.

When you add an IIS certificate store in Keyfactor Command, the Universal Orchestrator uses the port for SMB (445) to communicate to the remote target hosting the IIS certificate store. Make sure that any firewalls between the Universal Orchestrator, Keyfactor Command, and the IIS target allow communications over port TCP 445.