CertificateAuthority |
Enrollment and Revocation |
A string indicating the certificate authority that will be used to enroll against, for enrollment requests, or that issued the certificate, for revocation requests. |
CertificateId |
Revocation |
For revocation requests only, an integer indicating the Keyfactor Command reference ID for the certificate. |
SerialNumberString |
Revocation |
A string indicating the serial number of the certificate being revoked. |
Thumbprint |
Revocation |
A string indicating the thumbprint of the certificate being revoked. |
RevokeCode |
Revocation |
An integer containing the specific reason that the certificate is being revoked. Show revocation reasons.
-1 |
Remove from Hold |
0 |
Unspecified |
1 |
Key Compromised |
2 |
CA Compromised |
3 |
Affiliation Changed |
4 |
Superseded |
5 |
Cessation of Operation |
6 |
Certificate Hold |
7 |
Remove from CRL. Only valid in the case that a cert is already on a CRL in a manner that it can be removed, such as Certificate Hold |
The default is Unspecified.
EffectiveDate |
Revocation |
A string containing the date and time when the certificate will be revoked. |
Comment |
Revocation |
A string containing a freeform reason or comment on why the certificate is being revoked. |
Delegate |
Revocation |
A Boolean indicating whether delegation is enabled for the certificate authority that issued the certificate (true) or not (false). |
OperationStart |
Revocation |
A string indicating the time at which the revocation workflow was initiated. |
Template |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the short certificate template name used for the enrollment request. |
IncludeChain |
Enrollment |
A Boolean that indicates whether to include the certificate chain in the enrollment response (true) or not (false). |
SANs |
Enrollment |
An array of key/value pairs indicating the subject alternative names (SANs) for the certificate requested in the enrollment. Show SAN key values.
rfc822 |
RFC 822 Name |
dns |
DNS Name |
directory |
Directory Name |
uri |
Uniform Resource Identifier |
ip4 |
IP v4 Address |
ip6 |
IP v6 Address |
registeredid |
Registered ID (an OID) |
ms_ntprincipalname |
MS_NTPrincipalName (a string) |
ms_ntdsreplication |
MS_NTDSReplication (a GUID) |
For example: "SANs": {
"dns": [
"ip4": [
AdditionalAttributes |
Enrollment |
An array of key/value pairs indicating values for any custom enrollment fields set on the certificate template to supply custom request attributes to the CA during the enrollment process. |
Metadata |
Enrollment |
An array of key/value pairs indicating values for the metadata fields that will be associated with the certificate once it is in Keyfactor Command. The key is the field name and the value is the value for the field. |
Format |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the desired output format for the certificate. A value of STORE indicates that the certificate is intended to be delivered into one or more certificate stores. |
CustomName |
Enrollment |
A string indicating a custom friendly name for the certificate. |
Subject |
Enrollment |
A string containing the subject name of the requested certificate using X.500 format. |
RenewalCertificate |
Enrollment |
An array containing the certificate information for the certificate that is being renewed. Show certificate details.
Certificate |
An array containing a key value pair referencing the certificate being renewed in the following format:
"RawData":"[PEM-encoded certificate string]"
} |
CertificateId |
An integer containing the Keyfactor Command reference ID of the certificate being renewed. |
Note: This field is only populated for enrollments that are generated by requesting a certificate renewal (see Renew in the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide and POST Enrollment Renew).
Stores |
Enrollment |
An object containing a comma delimited set of arrays indicating the certificate stores to which the certificate should be distributed. Show store details.
StoreId |
An array of GUIDs indicating the certificate store(s) to which the certificate should be deployed.
Use the GET /CertificateStores method (see GET Certificate Stores) with a query of "Approved -eq true" to retrieve a list of all your approved certificate stores to determine the GUID(s) of the store(s).
Alias |
The alias of the certificate upon entry into the store. The format of and requirement for this varies depending on the certificate store type and whether the Overwrite flag is selected. See PFX Enrollment in the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide for more information. |
Overwrite |
A Boolean that sets whether a certificate in the store with the Alias provided should be overwritten with the new certificate (true) or not (false). The default is false.
Use the GET /Certificates/Locations/{id} method (see GET Certificates Locations ID) to retrieve a list of the locations an existing certificate is in to determine the alias used for the certificate in the certificate store.
Properties |
An array of key/value pairs for the unique parameters defined for the certificate store type that need to be populated for the certificate. The key is the name of the specific parameter from the certificate store type definition as returned in the JobProperties on the store type using the GET CertificateStoreTypes method and the value is the value that should be set for that parameter on the certificate in the certificate store. For example, for NetScaler, the key name that is optionally used to associate the certificate with a virtual server is NetscalerVserver and is returned by GET CertificateStoreTypes like so: "JobProperties": [ "NetscalerVserver" ] It can be seen in the Keyfactor Command Management Portal when editing the certificate store type in the field for Management Job Custom Fields. The setting is referenced using the following format: "Properties": {"NetscalerVserver":"MyVirtualServerName"} Note: The only built-in certificate store type that makes use of properties that can be set on a certificate-by-certificate basis in the store is NetScaler. You may have custom certificate store types that make use of this functionality. |
ManagementJobTime |
Enrollment |
An array indicating the schedule for the management job to add the certificate to any certificate store(s). Show management job time details.
Immediate |
A Boolean that indicates a job scheduled to run immediately (true) or not (false).
Tip: In some instances, jobs initially scheduled as Immediate will appear on a GET as null.
ExactlyOnce |
A dictionary that indicates a job scheduled to run at the time specified with the parameter:
Time | The date and time to next run the job. The date and time should be given using the ISO 8601 UTC time format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.000Z (e.g. 2021-05-19T16:23:01Z). |
For example, exactly once at 11:45 am: "ExactlyOnce": {
"Time": "2022-02-27T11:45:00Z"
} Tip: In some instances, jobs initially scheduled as Immediate will appear on a GET as ExactlyOnce. |
Enrollment |
A Boolean indicating whether the certificate enrollment type that initiated the workflow instance was PFX (true) or CSR (false). |
PfxPasswordSecretInstanceId |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the Keyfactor Command reference GUID for the PFX password used to secure the PFX file on download. |
InitiatingUserName |
Enrollment and Revocation |
A string indicating the name of the user who initiated the workflow in DOMAIN\\username format. |
KeyRetention |
Enrollment |
A Boolean indicating whether the private key for the certificate resulting from the enrollment will be retained in Keyfactor Command (true) or not (false). |
Enrollment |
A string containing the CSR generated for the certificate request. |
(Custom) |
Enrollment and Revocation |
Optional user-generated custom fields returning response data from PowerShell scripts or REST requests. |
CACertificate |
Enrollment |
An array containing the certificate information returned from the CA for the certificate that is being requested. Show CA certificate details.
CACertificateId |
A string containing the ID assigned to the certificate by the CA. |
CARequestID |
A string containing the ID assigned to the certificate request by the CA. |
Status |
An integer indicating the status for the certificate as returned by the CA. |
Certificate |
A string containing the certificate as returned by the CA in base-64 encoded binary format. |
CertificateTemplate |
A string indicating the certificate template used to issue the certificate. |
RevocationDate |
A string indicating the revocation date for the certificate as returned by the CA. |
RevocationReason |
A string indicating the revocation reason for the certificate as returned by the CA. |
ArchivedKey |
A Boolean indicating whether the certificate is configured for key archival on the CA (true) or not (false). |
Note: This field is only populated only after the certificate has been issued by the CA.
DispositionMessage |
Enrollment |
A string indicating a message about the certificate request (e.g. "The private key was successfully retained."). Note: This field is only populated only after the certificate request has been submitted to the CA. |
CACertificateRequest |
Enrollment |
An array containing the certificate information for the certificate that is being requested. Show certificate request details.
CARequestId |
A string containing the ID assigned to the certificate request by the CA. |
A string containing the for the certificate request as returned by the CA. |
Status |
An integer indicating the status for the certificate as returned by the CA. |
RequesterName |
A string containing the requester name on the certificate request as returned by the CA. |
Note: This field is populated only if the certificate request fails at the CA level or requires manager approval at the CA level.
SerialNumber |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the serial number of the certificate. |
IssuerDn |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the distinguished name of the issuer. |
Thumbprint |
Enrollment |
A string indicating the thumbprint of the certificate. |
KeyfactorId |
Enrollment |
An integer indicating the Keyfactor Command reference ID for the certificate. |
KeyStatus |
Enrollment |
An integer indicating the status of the private key retention for the certificate within Keyfactor Command. Possible values are:
PrivateKeyConverter |
Enrollment |
An internally used Keyfactor Command field. |