Authentication Scheme |
Body |
Required. A string indicating the authentication scheme (reference name) for the identity provider. This must be a unique value among identity providers. |
Display Name |
Body |
Required. A string indicating the display name for the identity provider. This must be a unique value among identity providers. |
ProviderType |
Body |
Required. A string indicating the Keyfactor Command provider type of the identity provider. Possible values are:
Parameters |
Body |
Required. An object containing information for each parameter set for the identity provider. Show parameter details.
Table 975: Identity Provider Parameters
OIDC Audience |
1 - String |
Gateway- OIDC- Client |
The audience value for tokens issued from the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP this should be set to the same value as the Client Id. For example:
Gateway- OIDC- Client
This parameter is optional.
Auth0 API URL |
1 - String |
The unique identifier defined in Auth0 or a similar identity provider for the API.
This parameter only appears if Auth0 is selected as the type and is required in that case.
Authority |
1 - String |
https:// my-keyidp-server /realms /Keyfactor |
The issuer/authority endpoint URL for the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP, this is included among the information that can be found on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration page, a link to which can be found on the Realm Settings page (seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation).
This parameter is required.
Tip: When you add or update an identity provider, the provider’s discovery document is validated based on this authority URL. The discovery document is also validated periodically in the background. The following are validated:
That the discovery document is reachable using the Authority value provided and can be parsed into a valid discovery document. That the Authority URL matches the Issuer returned in the discovery document. That all the URLs on the discovery document are using HTTPS. That the JSONWebKeySetUri value is included on the discovery document. That any endpoint configuration values (Authorization Endpoint, Token Endpoint, UserInfo Endpoint, JSONWebKeySetUri) that have been saved or are being saved match—including case—the values returned in the discovery document. The UserInfo Endpoint is not a required configuration field, but if a value is provided, it must match what’s in the discovery document.
If any of these validation tests fail, any identity provider changes in process will not be saved and an error will be displayed or logged.
Authorization Endpoint |
1 - String |
https:// my-keyidp-server /realms /Keyfactor /protocol /openid-connect /auth |
The authorization endpoint URL for the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP, this is included among the information that can be found on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration page, a link to which can be found on the Realm Settings page (seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation).
This parameter is required.
Client Id |
1 - String |
Gateway- OIDC- Client |
The ID of the client application created in the identity provider for primary application use.
For Keyfactor_IdP this should be:
Gateway- OIDC- Client
For more information, seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation.
This parameter is required.
Client Secret |
2 - Secret |
The secret for the client application created in the identity provider for primary application use. A Keyfactor secret is a user-defined username or password that is encrypted and stored securely in the database.
For Keyfactor_IdP, seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation.
This parameter is required.
Disable Bearer Token Scope Requirement |
3 - Boolean |
A Boolean that disables checking for a client scope of keyfactor-anyca-gateway configured in the identity provider for this Authentication Scheme (true) or not (false). |
JSON Web Key Set Uri |
1 - String |
https:// my-keyidp-server /realms /Keyfactor /protocol /openid-connect /certs |
The JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) URL for the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP, this is included among the information that can be found on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration page, a link to which can be found on the Realm Settings page (seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation).
This parameter is required.
Name Claim Type
1 - String |
preferred_ username |
A type of user claim for the identity provider containing a friendly name for the user.
For Keyfactor_IdP this should be:
preferred_ username
For Okta, this might be preferred_names (e.g. or just name (e.g. John Smith). For Auth0 this might be name (e.g.
This parameter is required.
SignOut URL |
1 -String |
https:// my-auth0-instance /oidc/logout |
The signout URL for the identity provider.
This parameter only appears if Auth0 is selected as the type and is required in that case.
Token Endpoint |
1 - String |
https:// my-keyidp-server /realms /Keyfactor /protocol /openid-connect /token |
The token endpoint URL for the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP, this is included among the information that can be found on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration page, a link to which can be found on the Realm Settings page (seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation).
This parameter is required.
Token Scope |
1 - String |
One or more scopes that should be included in token requests delivered to the identity provider when making a token request where Keyfactor Command is acting as the OAuth client. Multiple scopes should be separated by spaces.
This value is not used for Keyfactor_IdP.
User Info Endpoint |
1 - String |
https:// my-keyidp-server /realms /Keyfactor /protocol /openid-connect /certs |
The user info endpoint URL for the identity provider.
For Keyfactor_IdP, this is included among the information that can be found on the OpenID Endpoint Configuration page, a link to which can be found on the Realm Settings page (seeConfiguring Keyfactor Identity Provider and Collecting Data for the Keyfactor Command Installation).
For example:
{ AuthenticationScheme: "RESTAnyGateway", DisplayName: "REST AnyGateway", ProviderType: "Generic", Parameters: { JSONWebKeySetUri: "", TokenEndpoint: "", UserInfoEndpoint: "", AuthorizationEndpoint: "", Authority: "", ClientSecret: { "SecretValue": "0SBz79vOPJtj690u8fq1gyhN2lR2lI4q" }, ClientId: "RESTGateway", NameClaimType: "preferred_username" } }