Workflow Definitions

The workflowClosed A workflow is a series of steps necessary to complete a process. In Keyfactor Command, it refers to the workflow builder, which allows you to automate event-driven tasks such as when a certificate is requested, revoked or found in a certificate store. builder in Keyfactor Command allows you to easily automate event-driven tasks to manage certificate enrollments, renewals, revocations on a per templateClosed A certificate template defines the policies and rules that a CA uses when a request for a certificate is received. basis. It can also monitor certificate collections on a periodic basis for certificates that change membership status based on the query criteria of a specified certificate collectionClosed The certificate search function allows you to query the Keyfactor Command database for certificates from any available source based on any criteria of the certificates and save the results as a collection that will be availble in other places in the Management Portal (e.g. expiration alerts and certain reports).. The workflows can be configured with multiple steps between the start and end of the operation that offer a simple way to configure notifications, approvals, and end-to-end automation throughout the environment. This provides for operational agility in an intuitive and easy-to-configure manner.

When a user begins one of the types of actions managed with workflow in Keyfactor Command on the usual Management Portal page (e.g. PFXClosed A PFX file (personal information exchange format), also known as a PKCS#12 archive, is a single, password-protected certificate archive that contains both the public and matching private key and, optionally, the certificate chain. It is a common format for Windows servers. EnrollmentClosed Certificate enrollment refers to the process by which a user requests a digital certificate. The user must submit the request to a certificate authority (CA).) or using the Keyfactor APIClosed An API is a set of functions to allow creation of applications. Keyfactor offers the Keyfactor API, which allows third-party software to integrate with the advanced certificate enrollment and management features of Keyfactor Command. or a certificate collection membership change is detected by an automated task, the workflow kicks in behind the scenes and executes however many steps have been configured in the workflow definition to bring the action to the appropriate conclusion along the desired path.

See Certificate Collection Management for more information about creating certificate collections.

Workflow Types

The following types of workflow triggering events are supported:

  • Certificate Entered Collection

    Initiates a workflow instance when a certificate is identified that newly meets the query criteria of a certificate collection. For example, when a certificate discovered on an SSLClosed TLS (Transport Layer Security) and its predecessor SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers. scan becomes part of the Weak Keys collection, an email message can be generated notifying the PKIClosed A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption. administrators that a new certificate with a weak key has been discovered.

    The workflow is initiated by two automated tasks that Keyfactor Command runs periodically. The first runs against your collections to identify certificates that newly meet the query criteria of each certificate collection. Certificates are added to a temporary table from which workflows of this type draw. Certificates are added for all collections regardless of whether they have active workflows. The second reads the temporary table and generates workflow instances for any active workflows of this type. The temporary table is cleared each time the first task runs.

    Each of these tasks runs every 10 minutes by default and the schedules for them are not end-user configurable.

    If the task has run to create the temporary table of certificates that newly meet the query criteria of the specified certificate collection but a workflow has not yet run for the given collection—perhaps it is disabled or has not yet been created—there is a window of time (until the temporary table is cleared) during which if a workflow is created or enabled for the certificate collection, the user creating or enabling the workflow will receive a warning message indicating that the workflow will run multiple times and asking the user for confirmation to continue. The user must enter RUN followed by the number of workflow instances that will be initiated to continue.

    Figure 175: Warning on Save for Certificate Entered or Left Collection Workflow

  • Certificate Left Collection

    Initiates a workflow instance when a certificate is identified that no longer meet the query criteria of the specified certificate collection. For example, when a certificate in the Web Server Certificates collection disappears, a REST request can be made to open a support ticket request to investigate the removal of a web server certificate.

    The workflow is initiated by two automated tasks that Keyfactor Command runs periodically. The first runs against your collections to identify certificates that no longer meet the query criteria of each certificate collection. Certificates are added to a temporary table from which workflows of this type draw. Certificates are added for all collections regardless of whether they have active workflows. The second reads the temporary table and generates workflow instances for any active workflows of this type. The temporary table is cleared each time the first task runs.

    Each of these tasks runs every 10 minutes by default and the schedules for them are not end-user configurable.

    If the task has run to create the temporary table of certificates that no longer meet the query criteria of the specified certificate collection but a workflow has not yet run for the given collection—perhaps it is disabled or has not yet been created—there is a window of time (until the temporary table is cleared) during which if a workflow is created or enabled for the certificate collection, the user creating or enabling the workflow will receive a warning message indicating that the workflow will run multiple times and asking the user for confirmation to continue. The user must enter RUN followed by the number of workflow instances that will be initiated to continue.

  • Certificate Entered Store

    Initiates a workflow instance when a certificate has been added to or has entered a certificate store for the specified certificate store type and optional certificate store container. For example, when a certificate appears in a trusted certificate store, a REST request can be made to check the support ticketing system for a change request, and the workflow can then generate an email message notifying the PKI administrators that a new certificate has appeared in a trusted store if a change request is not found.

    The workflow is initiated by two automated tasks that Keyfactor Command runs periodically. The first runs against your certificate store types to identify certificates that have been added to or have entered a certificate store for the specified certificate store type and optional certificate store container. Certificates are added to a temporary table from which workflows of this type draw. The second reads the temporary table and generates workflow instances for any active workflows of this type. The temporary table is cleared each time the first task runs. Included in the workflow information are the certificate ID, certificate store ID, and certificate store container ID. If the certificate store is not in a container, the container ID will be -1.

    Each of these tasks runs every 10 minutes by default and the schedules for them are not end-user configurable.

  • Certificate Left Store

    Initiates a workflow instance when a certificate has been removed from or has left a certificate store for the specified certificate store type and optional certificate store container. For example, when a certificate on your F5 device disappears, a REST request can be made to open a support ticket request to investigate the removal of a certificate from the device.

    The workflow is initiated by two automated tasks that Keyfactor Command runs periodically. The first runs against your certificate store types to identify certificates that have been removed from or have left a certificate store for the specified certificate store type and optional certificate store container. Certificates are added to a temporary table from which workflows of this type draw. The second reads the temporary table and generates workflow instances for any active workflows of this type. The temporary table is cleared each time the first task runs. Included in the workflow information are the certificate ID, certificate store ID, and certificate store container ID. If the certificate store is not in a container, the container ID will be -1.

    Each of these tasks runs every 10 minutes by default and the schedules for them are not end-user configurable.

  • Enrollment (Including Renewals)

    The workflow is initiated by enrollment for a new or renewed certificate. Steps during the workflow can be used to do things such as require manager approval for the enrollment or manipulate the subject and/or SANs for the certificate request.

    Note:  An enrollment workflow is considered complete when the certificate reaches a state of Active (issued), Failed (denied approval in workflow or error at the CAClosed A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues digital certificates. Within Keyfactor Command, a CA may be a Microsoft CA or a Keyfactor gateway to a cloud-based or remote CA. level), Pending, or Waiting for External Validation. The workflow does not wait for external approvals before completing.
  • Expiration

    The workflow is initiated by an expiration alert. Steps during the workflow can be used to do things such as send an email notification regarding expiring certificates, run a PowerShell script to write notifications to the event log, or automate renewal of certificates.

  • Key Rotation

    The workflow is initiated by an SSHClosed The SSH (secure shell) protocol provides for secure connections between computers. It provides several options for authentication, including public key, and protects the communications with strong encryption. key rotation alert. Steps during the workflow can be used to do things such as send an email notification regarding SSH keys that are approaching their stale date or run a PowerShell script to write notifications to the event log.

  • Revocation

    The workflow is initiated by revoking a certificate. Steps during the workflow can be configured to do things such as modify the revocation comment entered when the certificate is revoked, append an additional comment, and store the resulting extended comment in a metadataClosed Metadata provides information about a piece of data. It is used to summarize basic information about data, which can make working with the data easier. In Keyfactor Command, the certificate metadata feature allows you to create custom metadata fields that allow you to tag certificates with tracking information about certificates. field.

  • Revocation Monitoring

    The workflow is initiated by a revocation monitoring alert. Steps during the workflow can be used to do things such as send an email notification regarding CRLs that are expiring or OCSP endpoints that are unreachable or run a PowerShell script to write notifications to the event log.

Workflow Steps

The following built-in workflow steps are available within the workflows:

  • Invoke REST Request

    Run a REST (API) request using Active Directory as an identity provider and Basic or Windows authentication. The REST request contents are embedded within the step. It does not call out to an external file.

  • Invoke REST Request with OAuth

    Run a REST (API) request using an OAuth identity provider and Token authentication. The REST request contents are embedded within the step. It does not call out to an external file.

  • Keyfactor-Enroll  (Enrollment Only)

    Enroll for a certificate through Keyfactor Command. The enroll step may occur at any point during the workflow, but only one enroll step may be included in a given workflow. Conditions are not supported on an enroll step. If an enroll step is not added to an Enrollment workflow, one will be included automatically at the end of the workflow. No configuration parameters are required for this step type.

  • Renew Expired Certificates  (Expiration Only)

    Renew an expired certificate through Keyfactor Command as part of an expiration alert workflow. A separate enrollment workflow is automatically initiated to enroll for the renewed certificate, and the renewal workflow will only be considered complete and successful if that enrollment step completes successfully.

    Tip:  The Keyfactor Command Service (timer service) needs permissions to enroll on the CA and template used for renewal when this step is used.
  • Keyfactor-Revoke (Revocation Only)

    Revoke a certificate through Keyfactor Command. The revoke step may occur at any point during the workflow, but only one revoke step may be included in a given workflow. Conditions are not supported on a revoke step. If a revoke step is not added to a Revocation workflow, one will be included automatically at the end of the workflow. No configuration parameters are required for this step type.

  • Require Approval

    Require approval for a workflow step before the step can be completed. The require approval step can require approval from just one approver or multiple approvers. The workflow will be suspended at this point until the correct number of approvals from users with the correct security roles is received or until one deny is received before continuing to the next step. As part of this step, an email message is sent indicating whether the step was approved or denied—typically to the requester. This step does not include logic to send an email initiating the approval process (letting users know something needs approval). Use a Send Email type step for this.

    Important:  Workflows are not supported with CA delegation when they contain steps that require approval. For more information, see the CA configuration Delegation Section.
    Note:  The users that you send email to initiating the approval process must be members of a security role that is allowed to submit signals (approve/deny) for the workflow in order to approve or deny the request.
  • Send Email

    Send an email message. This is a separate email message from those typically sent as part of a Require Approval step. You might send an email message as part of an enrollment request to notify approvers that a new request needs approval. The email messages can be customized to provide detailed information about, for example, the certificate request.

  • Set Variable Data

    Run PowerShell commands within the confines of the workflow to populate variables with information to pass back to the workflow. The PowerShell script contents are embedded within the step. This step does not call out to an external script stored in the database. This provides a high level of security by greatly limiting the number of standard PowerShell cmdlets that can be executed by the workflow step. A small number of PowerShell cmdlets have been white listed to allow them to be included in workflow steps of this type, including:

    • ConvertFrom-Csv

    • ConvertFrom-Json

    • ConvertFrom-Markdown

    • ConvertFrom-SddlString

    • ConvertFrom-StringData

    • ConvertTo-Csv

    • ConvertTo-Html

    • ConvertTo-Json

    • ConvertTo-Xml

    • ForEach-Object
    • Get-Command

    • Where-Object
    Important:  This step uses PowerShell 7 to run.
  • Update Certificate Request Subject\SANS for MSFT CAs (Enrollment Only)

    On an enrollment (either CSRClosed A CSR or certificate signing request is a block of encoded text that is submitted to a CA when enrolling for a certificate. When you generate a CSR within Keyfactor Command, the matching private key for it is stored in Keyfactor Command in encrypted format and will be married with the certificate once returned from the CA. or PFX), create a resigned CSR to prepare an updated enrollment request for delivery to a Microsoft CA after a previous step in the workflow has been used to update either the SANs in the initial request, subject (DNClosed A distinguished name (DN) is the name that uniquely identifies an object in a directory. In the context of Keyfactor Command, this directory is generally Active Directory. A DN is made up of attribute=value pairs, separated by commas. Any of the attributes defined in the directory schema can be used to make up a DN.) in the initial request or both. This step must be placed later in the workflow than the step(s) to modify the SANs and/or subject. The SANs and subject may be modified with either of the PowerShell step types or a custom step type. The step creates a new CSR using the same public keyClosed In asymmetric cryptography, public keys are used together in a key pair with a private key. The private key is retained by the key's creator while the public key is widely distributed to any user or target needing to interact with the holder of the private key. as the original CSR using the updated SANClosed The subject alternative name (SAN) is an extension to the X.509 specification that allows you to specify additional values when enrolling for a digital certificate. A variety of SAN formats are supported, with DNS name being the most common. and/or subject values. It signs the new CSR with the certificate provided in the step's configuration.

    For this type of step you will need an enrollment agent certificate available as a PKCS#12Closed A PFX file (personal information exchange format), also known as a PKCS#12 archive, is a single, password-protected certificate archive that contains both the public and matching private key and, optionally, the certificate chain. It is a common format for Windows servers. (.PFX) file with included private keyClosed Private keys are used in cryptography (symmetric and asymmetric) to encrypt or sign content. In asymmetric cryptography, they are used together in a key pair with a public key. The private or secret key is retained by the key's creator, making it highly secure. to import into Keyfactor Command. This can be a user certificate or a computer certificate (e.g. generated from a copy of the Enrollment Agent template or the Enrollment Agent (Computer) template) and must have a Certificate Request Agent EKU. Note that the built-in Enrollment Agent and Enrollment Agent (Computer) templates do not allow private keys to be exported by default. You will need a template that allows private key export or will need to manually override private key export to create a certificate with an exportable private key in order to create a PKCS#12 (.PFX) file.

    Important:  This step applies to Microsoft CAs only. If this step is added to workflow for requests directed to an EJBCA CA, it will fail on enrollment. Note that EJBCA supports submission of updated SAN or subject details as part of standard functionality.
  • Update Metadata

    Update a metadata field in Keyfactor Command with either a static value or a value from a token from the worklow (see Substitutable Text Tokens for Workflow). If you use a token, it needs to be populated before the Update Metadata step runs.

  • Use Custom PowerShell

    Run a PowerShell script that has been imported into the Keyfactor Command database. All scripts in the database that have been configured with the workflow category will be available for use.

    Important:  This step uses PowerShell 7 to run by default. Some cmdlets that run in earlier versions of PowerShell are not compatible with PowerShell 7. If you need to use a PowerShell cmdlet that is not compatible with PowerShell 7, you may need to enable the PowerShell 5.1 option. PowerShell 5.1 is not supported on Keyfactor Command servers running in a non-Windows environment.
  • Windows Enrollment Gateway - Populate from AD (Enrollment Only)

    On an enrollment done through the Keyfactor Windows Enrollment Gateway using a client-side template configured with the Build from this Active Directory information option on the template, this workflow step handles formatting the incoming subject, SANs, and/or SID in the certificate request appropriately such that the enrollment will complete successfully with the target CA and Keyfactor Command template, which is not configured to build from AD. Any Keyfactor Windows Enrollment Gateway using a client-side template configured with the subject as Build from this Active Directory information must be configured with a workflow step of this type on the Keyfactor Command template that has been mapped in the gateway to that template in order to complete an enrollment through the gateway. There are no configuration parameters for the step.

    Important:  The template in Keyfactor Command that is mapped to the client-side template configured to build the subject from Active Directory also needs to be configured with three enrollment fields to support handling the incoming subject, SANs, and/or SID. For more information about configuring this, see the Keyfactor Windows Enrollment Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide.

In addition to these customizable types of built-in steps, there are built-in step that you won't see unless you're using the Keyfactor API to view or edit the workflows (see Workflow Definitions). These NOOP steps indicate the start and end of the workflow for housekeeping purposes.

Workflow also supports the addition of fully custom steps that can be created if the built-in steps do not meet your needs. For more information, check with your Keyfactor Client Success Manager or contact

There are two types of workflow definition:

  • Global

    The global workflow definitions are built into the product and cannot be deleted, though they can be modified to add workflow steps, if desired. Global workflow definitions do not have a specific associated key and apply to all requests of the workflow's type (e.g. enrollment) that are not otherwise handled by a custom workflow specifying a key.

  • Custom

    Custom workflow definitions are any additional workflow definitions you define beyond the built-in ones. Custom workflows are associated with a specific key and each workflow only applies to requests made using that key. The key varies depending on the type of workflow. For example, enrollment and revocation workflows use the certificate template as the key. Certificate entered and left collection workflows use the certificate collection as the key. Certificate entered or left certificate store workflows use the certificate store type as the first level key with an optional second level key of the certificate store container.

Note:  All certificate enrollment, renewal, and revocation requests go through workflow even if you haven't created any workflow steps or added any custom workflow definitions. In the absence of customization, the global workflow definitions are used. The addition and removal of certificates from certificate stores and collections and alerts only go through workflow if you create custom workflows for them.

Figure 176: Workflow Definitions

When requiring approval for enrollment using workflow definitions in Keyfactor Command, templates should not be configured to require manager approval at the CA level in the certificate template. This is because the approval handling is fully controlled within Keyfactor Command. Configuring templates to require CA manager approval at the CA level when using a Keyfactor Command workflow require approval step would require approval both at the Keyfactor Command level and at the CA level, which can lead to unexpected behavior.

Tip:  Click the help icon () next to the Workflow Definitions page title to open the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal to this section. You will receive a prompt indicating:

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You can also find the help icon () at the top of the page next to the Log Out button. From here you can choose to open either the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal at the home page or the Keyfactor API Endpoint Utility.

Keyfactor provides two sets of documentation: the On-Premises Documentation Suite and the Managed Services Documentation Suite. Which documentation set is accessed is determined by the Application Settings: On-Prem Documentation setting (see Application Settings: Console Tab).