Documentation Navigation Help

The Keyfactor documentation includes:

Home Page and Portal Navigation

To navigate to Keyfactor documentation:

  1. From your installed instance of the Keyfactor Command Management Portal, select Documentation under the Help & Utilities icon (see Keyfactor Command Reference Guide) or one of the help icons within the Management Portal. This will open the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal ( at either the documentation portal level if you selected Documentation or at the relevant page if you selected a help icon. You will receive a prompt indicating:

    You are being redirected to an external website. Would you like to proceed?
  2. From the Keyfactor Client Portal (, select Command and Related Products under Product Documentation. This will open the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal at the documentation portal level.

  3. From the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal, select Product Documentation.

See Navigating the Keyfactor Documentation Home Page and Documentation Navigation Features below.

Tip:  Click on an area or number on the image below for a description of each documentation navigation feature.

Figure 1: Home Page Navigation Features

The Home Page features include:

  1. Click on the Keyfactor logo anywhere in the documentation to go to the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal.
  2. Click Documentation Help for navigation and feature instructions.
  3. Click an individual button to open the respective section of the Keyfactor Command Documentation Suite.
  4. Search all of Keyfactor Command Documentation Suite from the home page and optionally filter searches.
  5. Click Additional Products to open a page with links to related Keyfactor products.
    Tip:  Clicking the Additional Products button will change the name and function of the button to Core Product Suite, and vice versa, to allow you to navigate back and forth between the pages. Clicking Core Product Suite here will return you to the most recent/current version of the documentation.
  6. Click Select Version to select a version of the documentation to view.
Documentation Navigation Features
Tip:  Click on an area or number on the image below for a description of each documentation navigation feature.

Figure 2: Documentation Navigation Features

Note:  A note about how screen sizes affect the documentation display: The documentation is optimized for browsers of width 1368 and above. The On This Page section will disappear at width 1280 and below. The navigation buttons in the header will move to the top of the current page at width 1150 and below. The side menu will disappear at width 1250 and below and be replaced by a hamburger button in the top right of the page.
  1. Use the Version dropdown to switch to a different version of the current page. If the current page is not available for the selected version, the page will not be updated. Page level versioning is only available for version 11.0 and above.

  2. Re-trace your steps by clicking the link to a previous page using breadcrumbs.
  3. Use the arrows in the left side menu to expand and collapse sections of the menu. Adjust the width of the left side menu by click-dragging the blue slider bar .
  4. Access the Documentation Help page by clicking the link on the top of the side-menu.
  5. Use the side-menu to go directly to the beginning of a specific Guide or section.

  6. (a) Click the Home button to return to the Documentation Home page.

    (b) Click the Keyfactor Logo to return to the Keyfactor Software & Documentation Portal.

  7. Click Navigate Previous and Navigate Next to move through sections in the TOC order.

  8. Toggle to Expand All/Collapse All drop-downs on the page.

  9. Use Search to find all instances of a word or phrase in the documentation.
  10. Filter your search to search through all the guides, or limit the results to:

    • Just the Keyfactor AnyCAGateway DCOM Installation and Configuration Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor AnyCAGateway REST Installation and Configuration Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor CA Connector Client Installation and Configuration Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor Cloud Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor Command Reference Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor Installing & Configuring Orchestrators Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor Command, CA Connector Client, and Gateway Release Notes
    • Just the Keyfactor Command Upgrade Overview
    • Just the Keyfactor Windows Enrollment Gateway Installation and Configuration Guide
    • Just the Keyfactor API
    • Exclude the Keyfactor API (include others)
  11. Click Previous and Next to move through pages in order.

  12. See your page location in the document.

  13. The On this Page section shows links directly to the major sections on the page, with the bolded section being the section you are currently on.

Hidden links to , , (linked document is not in XML format), (linked document is not in XML format), Software Downloads, Oops! Page Not Found, , Documentation Help, Search Results, (linked document is not in XML format) so that they will pull into the project.